Our services

Specialists in treatment of sport and joint injuries, as well as Arthrosis, promoting the longevity and maintaining your musculoskeletal system in best conditions with the purpose of maintaining sport performance and quality of life.

Orthopedics and Traumatology Consultation

Medical consultation of Orthopedics in management of degenerative and traumatic injuries.

Reconstructive and arthroscopic surgery

Arthroscopic surgery, is a type or surgery minimally invasive, carries out by means of implant of one chamber through a small incision, to visualize and repair a joint

Advanced Regenerative Therapy

We use an image guide (fluoroscopy, echography or CAT) to apply expanded stem cells or PRGF in a specific joint structure, to promote the repair of affected tissue and controlling the inflammation. These cells then work in the site of your injury to grow in new and healthy tissue, a process which will only occur if the cells have been exactly placed where must be to reach positive results for patient. This kind of interventional orthopedics requires thousands of hours following standardized protocols as to obtain successful results.

Hyperbaric Medicine and complimentary therapies.

Hyperbaric chamber is a medical device used to saturate the body with oxygen at 100% through high atmospheric pressures, with the purpose of treating specific medical indications and degenerative illnesses.

Among benefits and applications, we can mention:

  • Reduction in scarring time

  • Acceleration in reparative processes by means of stimulation of capillary angiogenesis.

  • Proliferation of fibroblasts and synthesis of collagen.

  • Modulator of process of osteogenesis, bactericide on anaerobic germs.

  • Reduction del edema.

A recovery history

Michael Kosoy a former professional fighter shares with us his experience as patient of REGENERA.

Are you ready to come back to your best version?